Sunday, March 09, 2008

Almost an Engineer.

Mike's iron ring ceremony was yesterday. Only 51 more days until he's done.

He doesn't like the fact that the UofC ceremony is open to everybody, so I didn't go. But I did go to the dinner and that was fun.

Here's a rare sighting of Mike in a suit, waiting for the bus to go downtown to the dinner:

Iron Ring Day, tall

Unfortunately we were halfway there when we realized we had forgotten the tickets. So we bailed off the bus and had our friends Tamara and Shawn come get us, take us home to get the tickets, and take us back downtown in time for everything.

Then we found out we didn't even need the tickets to get in. Sigh.


sziege said...

As I was under the impression you were in dire circumstances, I guess you now owe me gas money. And at least 1/10000th the cost of a new clutch.

Lindsey said...

heeeey, remember me? I'll send you the book if you still want it. Being in Canada shouldn't deprive you of crazy cat lady books. :)