Friday, March 23, 2007

It's good to be home.

I went to Fort Mac again last week to visit my friend Alison and to work. Work was pretty good, and Alison's daughter Mary is getting to be very fun. She turned 1 a couple of weeks ago and is much more opinionated than last time. It was really nice to visit with Alison and Dennis again. Dennis cooked me steak twice in one week. Delicious.

Mary is just a few days away from being able to break into any room in the house, and has learned to be a cute little ham for the camera.

She's almost walking but prefers to crawl or to be lifted up and carried, especially when she's sleepy. This is her standing and politely tugging on my leg to be lifted up.

Fort Mac itself was very full of snow and rather chilly compared to Calgary. Also, I have developed the opinion that there are a large number of people in that city who don't know how to drive. I present to you the evidence:

1. Holes in the strip mall that I work in up there. These are DIFFERENT holes than the ones that were there back in October (note to self - get seat AWAY from the window when dining at Subway):

2. Then there's the sign at the Tim Horton's drive through:

3. As I was taking pictures of the sign, Alison noticed this lovely vehicle on our left.

With all those less-than-skilled drivers in town, Tim's must have put in this trench in the parking lot to slow them down. It doesn't look like much in this picture, but it's at least 20 cm deep, and I'm not sure my car could make it out of there. Good thing Alison drives a big truck. Second note to self - do NOT open the lid on steeped tea until the vehicle has cleared the trench.

I had fun, but it's good to be back in Calgary, even with the annoying weather that can't make up its mind. I am so ready for spring and so tired of snow and cloud.

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Serena Ryder - If Your Memory Serves You Well

Finally, I bought this fabulous CD by Serena Ryder. I love it and I have to lend it to Jamie and Amisha once I've listened to it a dozen times.

Ann Coulter, Canada, and Vietnam

Then we have this hilarious video of Ann Coulter making an ass of herself. It was pointed out to me by Perpetual Lent at Livejournal.

A dull life.

I haven't been too lazy to update this, it's just that my life has been nice and dull for the past couple of weeks. So I will show you some of the things that have been entertaining me. First we have some fun pictures made by some very creative people who are not me:

I don't know how to make blogger and youtube look pretty together, so the other stuff will be on top of this post.